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Friday, April 20, 2007

sick sick sick...

Very bad sore throat, haven't slept for most of the night. Drugged in paracetamol to the limit of hepatic poisoning, I truddle through the day, mainly occupied by a seminar by Geoff Tucker (+ Steve Toon, + Elena IDontRemember), founding fathers (and daughter) of SimCyp, a, In Vitro In Vivo Extrapolation (IVIVE) software. Pretty interesting stuff, mind you.

I also joined them for lunch, which got me a grilled lobster, pity that it wasn't cooked enough, and anyway I did not appreciate since my sense of smell has been blown to smithereens by the goddamn viruses.

Now I try to get some work done. Isn't it fascinating how I always fall sick when I can't afford it? Yuck!

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