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Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Piracy is Good

Hi everybody,

yesterday I was out of stuff to watch while eating, both Battlestar galactica and Ally Mc beal were busy downloading (ahi ahi ahi, bad person, me, I'm a pirate yes...). So I went for another smallish file (200MB) which i got from the torrent, titled I was expecting a short documentary about how BSG had been downloaded from the UK to the US, and how this ensured the success up there... But I got much more... A two-hours lesson on how television work today, and how will likely work in the near future. the first slide was titled something like:
October 18th, 2004 : the day TV died. the date in question was the first airing of BSG's miniseries on sky one UK.
It turned out to be quite interesting. The guy, talking during this australian TV conference, draws some interesting parallels... and since he's a very good speaker, the two hours literally fly away.

He envisages a future where, thanks to software like bittorrent getting rid of the middlemen (distributors, and broadcasters), advertisers will be able to directly produce and distribute branded shows, saving a shedload of money and at the same time keeping a high level of quality, or at least, of customer satisfaction, since only good shows will be 'popular' then easy to download thanks to the peculiar way BT and the new p2p sharing softwares work. Moreover, the more successful a show will be, the less 'expensive' every appearance will be for the advertiser/producer, since he's not paying for the distribution itself. This is a complete reversal of TV advertising's current business mode, where if you want to be seen by more people you have to pay proportionately more. All this, and much more, in the in-depth analysis that the speaker does...

But the link in the title is a web page tackling the same argument, and, for what I can see, it's the summary of the guy's speech. I can't link directly to the .mov file, since I can't check dodgy websites from work - but you can easily get it, just go to and select Battlestar galactica as series. it will be there. sit down, relax, and enjoy the future...

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