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Monday, October 09, 2006

Somewhere, somebody's blog just blew up...

Click on the link, and you'll see that the authors of South Park appreciate Battlestar Galactica too... :-)

They both (BSG and SP) won this "Peabody's Award". Me, I've never heard of it but I'm sure they both deserve it.

ps: the title refer to a comment made after the two guys came down from the podium... it's a joke but it shows how the information panorama is changing, thanks to the distributed network of blogs powering more and more the information exchange. a big difference from the early days of centralised top-to-bottom information diffusion through agencies. Specialised news agencies are certainly still important in some fields, but for the rest, their role is being severely undermined by the ease of access and pervasive presence of the network. (the interweb, as Clarkson calls it)

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